"A Run Down of the Gods" - A poem by Brandon

Dionysus is the patron of drunks,
he is known for making his wine.
His wine would be found in people's trunks,
ready for all of their friends to dine.

Apollo is the God of the Sun,
whatever he did, he always won.
He was known as the heavenly doctor,
everything he did was always a shocker.

Artemis is the twin of Apollo,
she tried to find maidens that would follow.
She vowed that she would never get married,
during her hunting a bow she carried.

Demeter is the Queen of the Harvest,
she blessed the people with foods of many.
When she was given extra offerings,
she would give them gifts of plenty.

Hephaestus was the mighty man in the forge,
the oil was always stained in his hairs.
He was hated by his mother and father,
so his mother through him down the stairs.

Ares was the huge man of war,
always looking for a bloody way to settle a score.
He was another let down to his mother,
to her he was no better than his brother.

Athena was a great architect,
there was no flaw she could not detect.
She also was great with strategy,
even as child like she was a prodigy.

Hermes was the god mail carrier,
he could go past any barrier.
He gave messages to whoever he would choose,
with help from his two winged shoes.

Aphrodite was always the god of beauty,
She mesmerized people with her looks and her voice.
The love people had for her made them bow,
whoever she wanted, she had the choice.

Poseidon was the god of the seas,
he makes up part of the big three.
the seas bent at his command,
it was all just by a snap of his hand

Hades is the ruler of the underworld,
he is hated by all in the real world.
He says who goes where when they die,
hopefully in life they were a good guy.

Hera was the Queen of the queens,
sadly she was always called mean.
She wanted to have a perfect family,
sadly only few ever lived happily.

Zeus is the bender of the wind,
He is the King of the Kings,
Hera is his loyal wife,
she would be willing to give him her life.

The gods are a confused bunch of people,
The were ready to turn on each other in a drop of a hat,
All of them were full of power.
Should we be nervous that they have that?

Rubric for my poem